Monday, February 2, 2009

How Should We Replace the Sheep? - My Op-Ed in the Daily News today.

Feb. 2, 2009


THIS IS a letter to the people of Philadelphia who don't have power and feel at the mercy of those who do.
Over the last few months, it's been impossible to avoid the drumbeat of fear over the millions of people losing jobs, of the largest U.S. companies possibly closing, of thousands of new applications for unemployment.

Even if you haven't lost anything, or didn't have a lot to lose in the first place, you're probably worried, confused and hoping that the folks in charge come up with a really smart plan.

Well, I have some bad news.

That's not only not going to work, but it's a bit of a cop-out on your part.

Our country is based on "Rule by the people." That's what democracy means. But it doesn't simply mean that you show up to vote once in a while, and then go back to playing with your Wii for the four years in between.

Everyone in our society has a sacred responsibility to shoulder the decision-making process of government. And it's up to us whether the economy gets back together or not.

Continued here.

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