Saturday, January 10, 2009

New Year Cleaning!

Everyone should do a new year's cleaning. By this you will realize that even from the shittiest campaigns come occasional wonderful things.

Casino Free gets the original Dicker puppet backdrop. Gregg Potter of the Lehigh-Norco AFL-CIO who is RIPPING IT UP for healthcare gets the Lehigh Valley Hillary for President volunteer list. Antoinette Kraus at PUP gets the Dominic Pileggi for Senate lawn sign I stole. And I get to keep the picture of the bagpipers who randomly stumbled into our miserable little February fundraiser for Bennett for Congress and asked us if they could play us a couple of tunes to warm up.

Bagpipes were originally military music. It was the first time I'd heard them close up, and they were so unbelievably powerful, and I turned to Sam and said, "we need to have those guys come and play at 6 am on Election Day!!!"

Video about the Scottish Army School of Bagpipe Music and Highland Drumming:

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